Thus Saith The Lord

Yesterday I asked a friend how things were going, and he begun to tell me what he is planning to do which is something I told him some few weeks ago. I remembered how for many years people around me have always blamed me for not saying thus saith the Lord when I was telling them to do something regarding a situation. ” If he says sit down and you don’t sit what will happen to you will take you years to overcome” thats from one of my associates some years back in workers training for another ministry. Another asked me” are you speaking from your office as a prophet or thats just your opinion on the matter.

Over the years I have tried so many times to do exactly that but its not easy for me because most times God doesn’t say to me tell this person to do one two three, when He does I always tell people God said to tell you. But most of the time whiles listening to people talk about their challenges, I just receive the directions and instructions when I open my mouth to speak. Sometimes it may sound like a suggestion but really its the only way out, I also don’t like to say am speaking to you as a prophet.

In 1Kings 17:1- Elijah didn’t say thus saith The Lord but he said according to his word and it happened exactly as he said. One of the difference between the gift of prophecy and the office of a prophet is that God honours every word spoken by the prophet in his ministry. Its one of the things that makes prophets very dangerous people to go against. During a ministration recently God said to me: you say it and I will do it. God always uses a prophet to initiate His will and intentions on earth. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, unless He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.(Amos 3:7)

Do not become too familiar with your leader because God sent him your way to lead you and therefore it is your responsibility to obey the prophets instructions. You might be friends with your pastor but remember as long as you didn’t go to consult him based on his legal, real estate, financial, or medical knowledge but the anointing upon his life please take everything he says seriously and do it accordingly and for your faith sake God will honour His word through His servant the prophet. By the way your pastor is your prophet, your father is your prophet and your leader is your prophet.

Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.(2 Chronicles 20:20b)

And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.(Hosea 12:13)

As much as it depends on me I will try my best to let you know its the word of God but know this a prophet is a prophet no matter the circumstance or the situation. If the word came from the prophet of God then AMEN to that. And let the church say Amen.

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