Two wrongs don’t make a right

There are many believers who have caused pain and trouble in the life of fellow believers without knowing, don’t let the devil use you when God has a greater plan for your life. This goes on in many churches to the extent that there are those who want things to go wrong in church just because pastor didn’t take their advice. I have been to many places where some are branded as witches but in truth they were just hurt and the devil was taking advantage of their bitterness to fight against the church from inside whiles making them more miserable at the time.

I know how it feels, sometimes its hard to let go and the other person walk scot free but don’t forget vengeance belongs to God (Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, ”says the Lord.-Romans 12:19). The bible also says (for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:20) Two wrongs don’t make it right so lets learn to let it go.

We have a choice either to let the devil use our hearts and thoughts to hurt other believers whiles that won’t benefit us or let God have His way as He has promised. God is looking to show Himself strong on your behalf, for that beats every other thing out there because by the time He is done with you everybody around you including the one that hurt you will not stand before you. With God its win-win situation so let go today and let God have His way. Its like God lifting you up whiles resisting those against you at the same time. Joseph couldn’t have found a better way to deal with his brothers than the way God did. They bowed before him and spent the rest of their lives being afraid of him and relying on him. Trust me its the best option by far. Have a blessed Christmas.

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