The other side of Jonathan

And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “My father Saul will not lay a hand on you. You will be king over Israel, and I will be second to you. Even my father Saul knows this.”(1 Sam 23:17-18) Also read 1 Sam 20:14 and 23

The other side of Jonathan is the other side of friendship. I personally believe that the reason why Jonathan did not live to see the reign of David after all the kindness he showed David was because of the other side of Jonathan.

Even though the bible says he loved David as himself if you read the above scriptures and the references there you would realise that on about three occasion he reminded David of the covenant between the two of them whiles we never heard David’s part of the covenant. Also from the above scripture it looks to me that Jonathan made a smart move for his on safety by switching sides. Bearing in mind that he could not kill David because he wasn’t match for him so the only way to protect himself and his children was to make alliance with the future king and betray his father. Knowing that every new king will like to eliminate all the descendants of the previous king to avoid future coup.

Who is your friend and why are they with you? Is it because of what they get from you or are they with you for the sake of friendship. We need to be careful who we bring to our camp as friends because in the day of battle they might betray us like Jonathan left his dad to go and check on his investments with David. How would you feel about your child who chooses to side with somebody who is a threat to you and your family?

There is a name in my contact list that anytime I see it on my phone I know it’s going to cost me something. A few seconds into our conversation’’ I will always ask what do you want’’. A bit harsh I know but it never fails, it always cost me where as I can’t expect even my call to be answered when I call just to say hi.

A lot of secrets has come to the open because it was entrusted into the hands of people we call friends who are one bowl of rice away from selling us to the highest bidder.
Check your friends list and do some adjustments if possible.

Prayer: Father give the grace to discern who is with me and who will sell me out.

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