God is forced to use the outcast

Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)

God uses the rejected, the outcast, the not so good, the inadequate and the downtrodden because whenever God calls, the “perfect Christians” are too busy judging others and too afraid to be Christians outside the walls of the church. They are too busy to answer the call of God. They are too busy judging so much they end up judging themselves forgetting that it is God who works through them. This makes them end up feeling inadequate to answer and do what God has called them to do.

Many of the great things that we see happening in the world today, many of the changes and revolution that we see taking place in the body of Christ came from people who others judged in one way or the other but they stepped out to do what God asked them to do. It’s a pity that God sometimes has to reach out to people so far away to do His will because we are too afraid to step up. God is forced to use unusual people to fulfil unusual task because those supposedly to be spirit filled are too busy judging. I want to encourage you today to step out of your comfort zone.

Some so called spirit filled christians have become too holy to invite others to church forgetting the church is a spiritual hospital. Others have reached a level where they are too spiritual for church these days, they know everything there is to know in church so they are worshipping God at home. Saints lets watch it and take it easy, Jesus attended church regularly, the Apostles also did and the bible still admonishes coming together to worship and fellowship.

Over a year ago I noticed something about Christians judging other ministers because what they see from afar, I noticed that these ministers are winning souls to the kingdom whiles others judge them. Those who judge don’t do those who do don’t judge. We will all be judged so stay focused in your call and leave all the judgement for the great judge of all.

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. 2Chro 16:9

Josaiah thought he was the king of Judah so he knew God better so who was the king of Egypt that God could use him, in the end he lost his life. Don’t stand in the way of somebody that God is using. God might be using you in a different way and using the other person that suits Him. Don’t judge, don’t hinder and don’t criticize. Just stand in your lane and focus. God in this end times will use many unusual people to do unusual things. I pray that you are one of them. Amen

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