Day Three of Possibility Fasting And Prayer Marathon

Wednesday :- Joshua 8
In the above scripture the bible talks about the victory over Ai but before the victory Israel had
already been defeated the first time they went up against Ai but that didn’t stop or discourage
them because now they know God was with them.
Now the bible says God gave them the strategy to fight their enemies and that’s one of the
reasons for victory, obeying God’s commands and using the weapons He has made available to
My favorite part is in verse 26 which gives us the main reason for total victory; that Joshua
didn’t withdraw his hand until his enemies were completely destroyed. He remained focus, there
are times when God grants us a special opportunity to deal with somethings once and for all but
people miss it out settling for the win in the first round, and most times these things come back
to fight us.
We are all fasting together and now is an opportunity for you to finish every enemy in your life
and family. The greatest anointing is the cooperate anointing and that only comes when people
come together to fast and pray. Use this opportunity and don’t rest until you have seen the end
of your enemies.
Prayer topics.
1. Father give me victory in any place I have ever lost
2. Father change my situation from refusal to acceptance
3. Father Change my situation from defeat to victory.
4. Father give me wisdom and strategy to win in life
5. 6.
7. Father command total deliverance for me and my family in Jesus name 8.
9. 10.
I come against any situation or people that look down upon me, I declare that from today
nobody can frustrate me in life and nobody can look down on me.
I declare that I am the head and not the tail, I am a winner and not a loser, I am for
peace but when I speak they are for war.

I call the fire of God to destroy anybody who has vowed that I will not make it in life.
I send the fire of God after anybody sitting on my happiness, may heaven put pressure on
them until they are totally destroyed.

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