Day Four of Possibility Fasting And Prayer Marathon

Thursday: – 1 Samuel 30
David went to fight by the time he got home everything was gone; he has lost everything he
ever owned and everybody he loved and the city itself was burnt down, now the only thing he
had left was his friends and they too turned on him and wanted to stone him. The only place he
could find any confidence was in the presence of God. Just when David thought there was
nothing to do about the loss God promises that everything will be recovered. This is that day of
total recovery for you, everything you’ve lost or missed; money, happiness in marriage, peace of
mind, job, friends , family, your right to remain in this country etc.
It’s never too late, go after the enemy and collect everything that he stole from you.
Prayer topics.
1.I come against every spirit of discouragement, every spirit of pity party and every spirit of
depression in Jesus name.

2. The joy of the Lord is my strength so no matter what I go through I will always come out
stronger and better.

3.It doesn’t matter who is against me because greater is He that is in me than he that is
against me, with God on my side I shall raid the devils kingdom and take all the spoils.
5. I take everything the devil stole from me for this is my day of total recovery.

6. I close the chapter of loss and lack and open a new chapter of total recovery in my life
7. I call forth my helpers of destiny to show forth in my life this week in Jesus name.
8. I command every dry bones in my life to pick up flesh in Jesus name.
9. I declare this to be my season of abundance in every aspect of my life

10. I pray for the overflow of God’s blessings upon City of God Chapel in Jesus name, AMEN.

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