Day One Of Possibility Fasting And Prayer Marathon

DAY ONE OF POSSIBILITY FASTING AND PRAYER MARATHON Theme: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:21)
The need for fasting: If you read the book of Matthew 10 from verse 1 going you would see where Jesus gave the disciples power and authority over demons and heal sicknesses, but then
we see afterwards in Matthew 17:15-21 that they came across a problem which they couldn’t overcome even though they have been given the power to deal with situations like that.

Jesus told them the reasons why they couldn’t deal with that situation was because of unbelief and lack of fasting and prayer. Notice that during the whole time they were with Jesus they
never fasted. Faith, fasting and prayer all go hand in hand. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God but faith grows through fasting and praying. There are things you can just
pray once and that’s it but there are cases where you have to engage prevailing prayers with fasting.

I want you to give this season of fasting the most of your time, I don’t know what you have been going through but if that situation has been mocking you and your faith in God then this is
the time to get rid of it once and for all.
I want you to be expectant during this fasting season, to expect the miraculous power of God in every aspect of your life. If you want God to do something extra ordinary in your life you have to
do something extra ordinary to attract the hand of God. We are fasting because what we are expecting is beyond natural; we need the supernatural so we are breaking the normal routines
in our lives to open the door for God’s supernatural to happen in our lives.
It is part of our nature to eat when we are hungry but this time around we are breaking that routine to wait on
God. Watch out! Something great is about to happen in your life.
This is just a guide and general prayer topics let the Holy spirit lead you and pray with the ones that apply to your situation.
Always start your daily prayers with thanksgiving and praise, then plead the blood of Jesus upon yourself and your family, then ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer.

Quotes: If God is omnipotent and prayer moves God then prayer is omnipotent.
If with God nothing is impossible and God does nothing except to answer prayer then with prayer nothing is impossible

Monday: Bible reading for the day:- 1 Samuel 1
Hannah was not able to conceive because her husband’s family was cursed, the curse was that when a man from that family marries the woman he truly loves she can’t have a child for him but any other woman he marries can easily have a child.

Prayer topics.
1. I cancel every curse in my life that comes from spouse, my previous relationships and
people close to me.
2. I cancel every curse that I have brought upon myself by accident
3. I cancel every curse that I have brought upon myself through sin.
4. I remove every excuse that has become a hindrance to my break through. No more
comfort zones in my life I am going to get what belongs to me
5. I cast every disgrace out of my life in the name of Jesus.
6. I cancel every activity of the devil in my life today in the name of Jesus.
7. I nullify every attack of the devil against my marriage/relationship in Jesus name.
8. Father glorify your name in my life so that those who mock me will be put to shame.
9. Father remember me today, I have been suffering for all this while but today I say father
remember me and change my story.
10.May every impossible situation in my life become possible in Jesus name
I pray with Thanksgiving. Amen.

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