
I welcome you to this site. I hope you find all the information that you are looking for as you spend time on this site. Our LORD has been good to us as a family and we have experienced his goodness in our midst from time to time. This site is our attempt to share with you the testimony of what the good LORD has been doing in our midst, as well as to testify to the fact that God is still very much relevant in our lives today, and most importantly to give you my precious friend an opportunity to be part of this tremendous ministry.

He is the same yesterday, the same today and in the days to come he remains unchanging in his love, mercy and compassion. He is still interested in our well being, our homes, our marriages, our health etc. He is still healing the sick, delivering those in bondage, setting the captives free; he is still very much in the business of answering prayers.

God has given us the commission to intercede and pray for His people, the mandate to impact the world through his word and to empower His people.

As a family we care for you, just as God cares for you and we will be willing to pray for you if you have the need for one. I pray that you remain blessed as you take time to enjoy and share with us that which God is doing in this ministry. Always remember YAHWEH IS FOR US.

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